Total Number of Stalker

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day 2010!

Yeah, GONG XI FA CAI, XIN NIEN KUAI LE. And Happy Valentine's Day 2010! Total money gotten this year: not much. Total chocolate gotten this year: 0. It is a bit late, but it's better than nothing right? On the 13th Feb we had family dinner but I didn't eat that much. And on the 14th which is the day itself for both events, we were planning to go up tp Lembang, but it rained halfway(other than the fact that it's traffic) so we went home instead.

About TinierMe. I just found out that there is a Japanese version of TM! The original one! They have more varieties of everything! But the only sad thing about that one is everything must be paid in G COINS, which means using real money! Cute, but ex. No thx.... I just hope the TM I'm playing now has more choices! I hope they would provide Akatsuki Cloak~ Even Gaia has one! Even though I couldn't find it...

The picture on top is a picture of Boogie, Janice's family dog. I had difficulties making it look my way and took a picture of it. xD He's cute all right, but also naughty.

Hmm... I really don't have anything to say at the moment..... CIAO.

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